Gen’s annual budget plan requires a substantial contribution from businesses, state institutions, sponsors and individuals. Gen is registered under the Cultural Incentive Grants (FI), which allows sponsors to benefit from tax breaks on their contributions.

The guiding principle behind Gen’s position in respect to sponsors is to prioritise long-term relationships in which businesses contribute in a meaningful way in the conceptual development of cultural projects. Our group will develop, in close cooperation with the sponsor, strategies by which their contributions effectively serve to build their brand image, their social stand and their role in the production and promotion of culture.



Gen has received support from:

And it has established agreements with the following institutions:

We thank the companies that collaborated with the construction of our Center for Arts and Sciences:

All contributions will be an integral part of Gen’s communications to the public. We believe that contributions and actions of social responsibility by brands, entities and foundations come full circle and receive due retribution when they are duly publicised, showing the results in ways in which the companies and individual contributors are seen as active partners in the project, and not just circumstantial financiers.

Gen will extend the effect of its activities on the web where each and every project will be featured with links to their creators, artists and thinkers and with specific forum sections for comments and exchanges. Gen will have its own site, its own youtube and Vimeo channels and an active presence in social networks. Sponsors will show their brands in these spaces and will be ever-present in our press strategies. This will be managed by professionals in the field with experience in dealing with the media.It is well understood in Gen’s work ethics that encouraging a company’s social responsibility represents a mutual commitment, where each sponsor feels that in exchange for their contribution there is a real and serious effort to maximise their returns in terms of an improved public image.

If you want to add your company/organization as a sponsor of our projects, please contact us.